What a great day to have, yesterday our company serves an all-American cookout for the first 5,000 employees, our very own senior leaders and managers will be serving burgers and sausages in line with the celebration of July 4th independence day in the U.S.
Since only first 5,000 employees will be given the treat we must rush to the 23rd floor (penthouse) as the venue of the event. I work at the 9th floor, and we need to take the bungling elevator going to the 23rd level. My other teammates are already on their way but hesitant to go on when they saw a number of overwhelming people going there as well.
My other teammates (our group) are tough and determined to make it, so we make a way to avoid the pack and manage to get to the place, but it’s not over yet the line was so lengthy and we don’t know where to start. We look and ask on where the line is but no one knows, maybe their busy keeping their line, thank god finally we found the correct line we found it on our own.
While on the line I was amaze with the view under. The golf course, building, parks, and different infrastructure, all was worth to sight.
At the end of the line a staff member stamp a mark on our palm indication that we will be having our free burger and sausage, whew after a long wait finally a chow for us.
To our bosses thanks for the wonderful treat.